
Chinese Authorized National Body for Company Certification (CANBCC) is an organization founded by Chinese Welding Training and Qualification committee (CANB) to implement and authorized by International Institute of Welding (IIW) to implement IIW Manufacturers Certification System for the Management of Quality in Welding. |
The aim of CANBCC is to establish, implement and promote a comprehensive, unified, advanced welding manufactures certification system in China for Chinese enterprises to participate in international competition so as to enhance international competitiveness of Chinese welding products, engineering and technical services. |
IIW企业认证项目简介 Introduction to IIW Manufacture Certification Scheme |
日前CANBCC已通过IIW文件评审,获得IIW授权,取得了在中国开展企业认证的资格。 |
In 2007 EWF and IIW agreed to transfer to IIW the EWF Manufactures Certification System in the field of the Certification Scheme in accordance with the ISO 3834. In January 2008 IIW has approved the IIW Manufactures Certification Scheme. |
In 2009 the IIW - ANBCCs net work comprised eighteen (18) members, three (3) from out -side Europe. The approved ANBCCs are: Australia, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine, and United Kingdom. |
CANBCC has passed paper assessment of IIW IAB for ANBCC getten the authorization to implement IIW Manufacturer Certification System according to ISO3834 standard in China. |
最新消息 News |
* CANBCC于近日获得IIW授权 CANBCC obtained IIW Authorization Recently |
* 国际焊接生产制造质量保证体系在我国的推广与发展 The Promotion and Development of IIW Education, Qualification & Certification System in China |
* “国际授权(中国)焊接培训与资格认证委员会”(2010 北京)执委会扩大会议在北京成功召开 The Meeting of CANB Governing Board Held in Beijing |
*“国际授权(中国)焊接培训与资格认证委员会”(2010 北京)焊接生产制造国际认证体系推广交流会在北京成功召开 Promotional Meeting of International Certification System for Welding manufacturing Held in Beijing |
更多信息 More Information |
* 关于我们 About Us |
* 组织结构 Organization Structure |
* 资料下载 Download |
* 国际焊接学会认证企业查询系统 IIW Database for Cetified Companies |